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Looking to move to or from the Landisville area? S’more Space Storage is a trusted name around Lancaster for affordable and reliable self storage. Our facility on Stony Battery Road offers everything you need to keep your items organized, and you can even save money when you refer a friend to us! We are prepared to help movers, as the country has seen a lot of people move since the coronavirus pandemic has begun. We break down why so many people decided to leave their homes, especially in large cities.

3 Reasons Residents Moved During the Pandemic

  1. Needed Support. Collectively, mental health hit a low point for people across the board. We could not interact with others often, and we had frightening statistics being thrown at us. Those who had alternative places to live took advantage of the opportunity to be around others that could support them.
  2. Financial Situation. Unemployment numbers peaked, leaving many not knowing how they were going to be able to pay their rent. When you factor in that residents were paying city rent and not getting the full city experience, you can see why some flocked to more affordable areas.
  3. Safety Measures. You have a lot of contact with other people in the city every time you leave your home, whether that is at the store, through public transportation, or even just passing by. Safety factored into a lot of the decision-making process during the pandemic.

Read more about why people were leaving cities.

Refer a Friend to S’more Space Storage in Landisville PA

We can help make your move to the Lancaster area easy with a nearby storage unit to house your items as you settle in. Call our office on Stony Battery Road to talk to one of our knowledgeable experts about getting set with the space you need. You can rent or reserve your storage in person, over the phone, or online. Get started today!

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Tim Glasow

About the Author: Tim is the SEO Manager at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.