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Landisville PA Events for the Summer

Are you excited for your summer plans? Landisville PA events are making this season great! S’more Space Storage is located in Hempfield township in Lancaster county and here for all your summer storage needs. While we help you get organized and protect your keepsakes, explore the surrounding area. Get to know your new neighbors if you are new here or try something different if you need to spice up your summer.

Landisville PA Events

Fun in the sun with Landisville PA events

Lancaster City comes to life every First Friday of the month from 5pm to 9pm. Art galleries open their doors, restaurants cook their finest food and the atmosphere is vibrant. Many of the businesses open for extended hours so you can take your time and look through every shop. Not only do these festivities take place in the city but they are happening all over Lancaster county.

The Lancaster Fiber Festival is on August 16th through the 18th featuring paper, fabric, yarn, thread and more. Many of the vendors will be doing demonstrations as well as selling supplies. You to can be an artist! This unique three day festival is for the crafters in your family. Learn new techniques and sharpen the ones you already have. Get your $12 ticket today to save your spot in line.

From storage outside Lancaster PA to Landisville PA events, S’more Space Storage is there for you. We make it our number one goal to show you what is needed when storing photographs and even cars. Whether you are at the beginning of your moving plan or finishing up, we have tips to make it a little easier. Get packing with our supplies, moving, and storing with a storage unit in Landisville PA.

Come for a guided tour and start storing for the summer with our Lancaster county self storage facility.