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Can you benefit from business storage?

business storage Landisville PA

The seasons are changing and it’s time to start finding the right space for your outdoor gear. S’more Space Storage has the experts and supplies to guide your gear into the ideal business storage unit. When the office is expecting more employees or your outdoor deck is closing for the winter, consider a storage unit at Landisville PA’s premiere self storage facility.

Not sure what you would store? When it comes to saving space we have you covered. Our experts are on-site and ready to show you how business storage is beneficial for you.

  • Restaurants are getting ready for the busy winter holidays. It’s time to bring out the catering materials and put the outdoor equipment away. A storage unit is ideal for restaurants.
  • Work-related furniture and décor that isn’t currently needed, such as desks, chairs, workstations, flooring and customer seating
  • Filing cabinets filled with older paper items that are not currently useful, can slow down your production. Keep past years documents out of the way.
  • Extra supplies that are bought in bulk to be used at a later date, like pallets of paper or large boxes filled with tape, staples and more, are great for the budget! Save space with moving them away from the supply closet.
  • Retail store owners are building up their stock for the holidays. If it is starting to takeover the stock room, add a storage unit as extra space.

Don’t stress about where you are going to put the latest filing cabinet or promotional items. Keep them safe at S’more Space Storage. We have the self storage features to keep your peace of mind while you work hard. Stop by for a tour and packing supplies or rent your next space online.