Winter is on its way! As you enjoy sledding and snowball fights makes sure your vehicle is enjoying the winter as well. If you are unsure how to store your vehicle this upcoming season take a look below for some fast ways to keep your car safe.
A covered secure site is the best way to buffer your vehicle from harm during storage.
Make sure before storing your vehicle to clean it up. Take it for one last drive to burn off any extra water in gas tank. Afterwards protect the paint and give it a nice wash and wax before the winter.
Adding a fuel stabilizer will keep from condensation from building up during the fluctuating climate.
Prop your motorcycle on stands, wood blocks, or simply add a cushion under the tire to help relieve constant pressure and keep them full all winter long.
Chains and hinges need to have a grease on them to keep them from freezing shut if the temperatures drop.
After many trips in the summer your car’s oil can become filled with waste that will obstruct the lines that lead to the engine. Change the oil and other fluids that were contaminated with road dirt.
Leave a small crack in the window so the car can circulate fresh air. Fresh air allows your vehicle to be drive ready for the spring.
You may not be viewing your vehicle everyday so as a precaution to any theft or vandalism uphold current insurance.
To keep all small animals away from potentially making a comfortable home in your vehicle cover all openings. A note for the spring will be helpful to remind you what areas were covered.
We want to help you learn how to store your vehicle this upcoming season so when it’s time to ride there is nothing stopping you!